
We work hard to ensure that the people who most need our help have access to the services they need, when they need them.

Access & Referral

Patients can be referred to ACCORD Hospice by either a health or social care professional.

Speak to your GP or your medical team if you are interested in accessing our services.

Hospice care is provided free of charge and is available to patients aged 18 years and over who have been diagnosed with a progressive life limiting illness.

Healthcare professionals may refer any patient aged 18 or over who has been diagnosed with a progressive life limiting illness and who has consented to a referral being made.

We accept referrals for:

  • Management of complex physical symptoms
  • Management of complex emotional / spiritual distress
  • Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) assessment and rehabilitation
  • End of life care

The Hospice operates an equal access policy such that no patient shall be disadvantaged in any aspect of their care as a consequence of cultural, racial, sexual or social characteristics or any form of handicap.

Referrals can be made via SCI Gateway or completing the form below - this will be sent securely to our team for consideration at the daily (Monday to Friday) Multi-disciplinary Team meeting.


Referral FAQ

Here you will find commonly asked questions from Healthcare Professionals when looking to refer a patient to the Hospice

Who can be referred?

What happens if I make a community referral?

What happens if I make an Inpatient Unit referral?

How can I check the referral I made has been received by the Hospice?

Referrers Can Expect

The Clinical Team will make telephone contact with the patient or their referrer within two working days to assess if suitable for specialist palliative care services and the urgency of the referral. 

We will notify you of the proposed plan for assessment.

Patients who require admission to ACCORD Hospice will be triaged and discussed at a multi-disciplinary meeting the next working day

 Donations change lives

Donations change lives

Amazing people like you help us support those who need it most. “Everyone has been so generous, and the final total raised is testament to how adored my mum was at ACCORD hospice”
