Referring a patient
Are you a primary health or social care professional?
Healthcare professionals may refer any patient aged 18 or over who has been diagnosed with a progressive life limiting illness and who has consented to a referral being made.
We accept referrals for:
Management of complex symptoms
Management of complex emotional / spiritual distress
Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) assessment and rehabilitation
End of life care
Referrals can be made via downloading the form below and email via the SCI Gateway or directly too which will be sent securely to our team for consideration at the daily (Monday to Friday) Multi-disciplinary Team meeting.
Referrers Can Expect
The Clinical Team will make telephone contact with the patient or their referrer within two working days to assess if suitable for specialist palliative care services and the urgency of the referral.
We will notify you of the proposed plan for assessment.
Patients who require admission to ACCORD Hospice will be triaged and discussed at a multi-disciplinary meeting the next working day

The referral form should be completed in full to allow us to provide an efficient and focused service to the patient.
If appropriate, please ensure patients have had recent bloods taken.
The information received from the electronic referral will inform the Hospice Multi-disciplinary Team’s decision making. We will respond to the urgency of the referral and take full consideration of the patient’s identified needs. We will assess the referral and pass it to the most appropriate service.