Learning and Development
We offer a programme of education and training events covering a range of subjects related to palliative and end of life care.
Quality and Practice Development supports ACCORD’s vision of helping people to live as well as they can with their illness and make the most of the time they have left.
We do this by supporting our clinical colleagues with appropriate education and training, clinical audit and quality improvement projects. We also collaborate with local Care Homes, Health and Social Care Partners, Hospitals and other organisations through the delivery of projects such as Project ECHO® and communication skills training.
Our department aims to help fellow professionals to develop their skills within palliative and end of life care. We also work with volunteers and carers to enhance their understanding of issues faced by people when they are ill or dying.
We use innovative facilitation methods when we deliver learning programmes and always try to use peoples’ experiences as the basis for reflection and discussion.
We work closely with other palliative care providers and stakeholders, influencing, developing, and contributing to palliative care educational programmes across professional disciplines. We also contribute to the evidence base for palliative care practice on a local and national basis.

Palliative Care Training Day
Palliative Care Training Day for Social Care Home Carers. Next training day 25th April 2024
More information and sign up
The facilitators are all full of enthusiasm and show such passion for their job. They are inspiring!

Learning and Development Team

Kay Morrill
Practice Educator
She brings with her a wealth of clinical skills and an enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Since being here she has become a Sage and Thyme facilitator, an EASE facilitator and has run a number of training courses for all staff groups. Get in touch with her if you would like to discuss training for yourself – we run courses all year round

Susan Jackson
Quality and Practice Development Team Lead
She has many years’ clinical and academic experience within palliative care and is committed to practice development and high quality care. Her specific areas of interest are communication skills, staff support and quality improvement. She is an accredited trainer for Sage & Thyme® Communication Skills and an experienced facilitator of advanced communication skills training (Maguire Communication Skills Unit, Christie School of Oncology, Manchester). She is also one of the founding facilitators of the Palliative Care Inspiring Leadership Programme and is ACCORD's Project ECHO® Lead.

Practice Placements
We are happy to accommodate practice placements for a variety of students, including nursing, medical, social work, occupational therapy and therapeutic radiography. These placements are organised directly with local Higher Educational Institutes, however if you have any queries then please fill out the contact form below to talk to our Education Department.
We do this by supporting our clinical colleagues with appropriate education and training, clinical audit and quality improvement projects. We also collaborate with local Care Homes, Health and Social Care Partners, Hospitals and other organisations through the delivery of projects such as Project ECHO® and communication skills training.

Frequently asked Questions:
Some quick information that our Practice and Development Team often get asked:

Donations change lives
Amazing people like you help us support those who need it most. “Everyone has been so generous, and the final total raised is testament to how adored my mum was at ACCORD hospice”